
The Farmhouse Nursery School is located on Church Green in the centre of Witney.

It is set in a beautiful historic 16th Century Grade II* listed house which offers a spacious and delightful setting for our Nursery. Each child has the opportunity to thrive in our warm and family-like environment.

The Hermitage, 5 Church Green, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4A

01993 700797


The Farmhouse Nursery School is regulated by Ofsted. Our Ofsted Registration Number is EY426357.

The Farmhouse Nursery School trades under J & A Souter Education Limited. Registered in England No. 07488822

Any complaints should be made to the Nursery Manager Jess Bowerman

Our policies and procedures are available to access at all times in the Nursery, including Safeguarding, Equal opportunities and Special Educational Needs.
You can also download Key Policies here.